WHEN YOU'RE LOW on space, time, and patience, you'll find the most fitness success with a go-to routine that checks all the boxes without demanding too much other than the willingness to work.
Look no further than this program, which you can use as your main training plan for the month. All you need is a single kettlebell, which you'll heft to hit your lower body and posterior chain while also honing some explosive power. After running through the six movements, you'll understand that an effective workout doesn't have to be complicated.
Directions: Do this workout 3 or 4 times a week. Rest at least 1 day between sessions.
Directions: Do this warmup as a circuit. Do each move for 20 seconds, then rest 10 seconds. Complete 3 rounds.
Kneel on your shins, holding a kettlebell by the horns at your forehead, abs and glutes tight. Without moving your torso, move the kettlebell around your head clock- wise in a close circle. Repeat the process, now going counterclockwise. That’s 1 rep.
Stand holding a kettlebell at your chest, the ball of the bell facing upward. Tighten your abs and aim to keep your hips and shoulders square to the front.
Directions: Do this workout as a circuit. Do each move for 30 seconds, then rest for 60 seconds, then move on to the next exercise. Complete 3 rounds.
Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, holding a kettle- bell in your right hand at your shoulder. Tighten your abs and glutes. This is the start. Press the kettlebell overhead. As you do this, rotate your torso to the left and turn your hips toward the left, pivoting onto the toes of your right foot.
Stand holding a kettlebell in your right hand, abs and glutes tight. Push your butt back and lower your torso until it’s at a 45 degree angle with the floor. Keep the kettle- bell close to your shin as you do this. This is the start. Tighten your shoulder blades, then row the bell to your right hip. Lower with control. That’s 1 rep. Do 1 set on each side.
Stand directly over a kettlebell. Push your butt back and lower your torso until you can grasp the bell with your right hand.
Stand about 2 feet behind a kettlebell. Push your butt back and lower your torso until you can reach the bell with your left hand. This is the start. Explosively pull the bell back between your legs, then stand and squeeze your glutes; this will propel the bell upward. Allow it to swing between your legs again; push your butt back as this happens, then stand and squeeze your glutes to begin the next rep. Do this for 15 seconds, then switch arms and go for another 15 seconds.